
Monday, December 23, 2019

Summer Learning Journey | Activity:2 | What's In A Name | Week 1 | (4 Points)

Muhammad Ali was one of the greatest boxers of all time. He started boxing when he was 12
years old and went on to become the World Heavyweight Champion numerous times in the
1960s and 1970s.
Muhammad Ali was an African American man born with the name Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr.
When he was a young man, however, he became a Muslim and converted to Islam. When he
converted, he changed his name to Muhammad Ali. During his life, Ali gave a lot of time and
money to various charities. He also helped to feed more than 22 million people across the
world who didn’t have enough food. Despite all of his charitable work, Muhammad Ali is still
best known for his agressive boxing style, his confident personality and his inspirational quotes.
Changing your name is a big deal! If you were to change your name, what would you change
it to?


What to do: For this activity, imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything
that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would choose that

My work⬇️
I love my name so much I would never want to change it I love it alot!

I love my name Kamaea!


  1. Kia ora Kamaea,

    I liked the way you thought about this activity. It's strange imagining a different name right?! I think Kamaea is a beautiful name! :)

    When I think about changing my name I can't think of anything... mainly because I can't imagine getting used to a whole NEW name. Imagine someone calling out your name and you don't realise they are talking to you.

    Do you think people should be able to change their name if they want to at any time? Or do you think we should keep our given names! Tough question, but curious to know what you think! :)

    Nga mihi

    1. Kia Ora Erica, It is very true having a strange different name if you changed it. I was also thinking that people should be able to just stick with your name they have because thats what I like! Thanks for the great comment!

  2. Hej Kamaea,

    Kamaea is a lovely name! Is there any meaning behind it?

    Kind regards,
