
Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Stories about Mary Term 4 2020 - Luke: 39 - 56 - Mary Visits Elizabeth

 The Visitation: Mary Visits Elizabeth

Luke: 39 - 56 - Mary Visits Elizabeth 19/11/2020

What is happening in the scripture?

In the scripture Luke: 39 - 56 Mary visited her cousin Elizabeth. At that time Mary got ready and hurried to a town in the hill country of Judea, she went to visit Elizabeth to find out whether the angel Gabriel was right or wrong,  about Mary having her son Jesus. Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. We know this because in the scripture it says ‘’the baby leaped in her womb’’.


What is the main event in this scripture?

Mary is visiting her cousin Elizabeth to see if the angel Gabriel was right or wrong about having her son Jesus


Today I carried on about my story about mary but we did anotner scripture wich is Luke: 39 - 56 about how Mary visited Elizabeth! But why did she visit Elizabeth!!?? Read my blog and see. Have a good day!

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