
Friday, January 17, 2020

Summer Learning Journey | Activity:3 | Week:3 | Putting Our Heads Together | (6 Points)

My Work^^^

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Health is a complex and complicated topic. Most people believe that there are many dimensions
(areas) of health - physical health, social health, mental health, emotional health, etc. Mental
health is an area that is not often discussed. It is basically the way we think and feel about
ourselves and the world around us. Sometimes our mental health can be affected by things
that have happened in our lives, or by changes in our brains that we cannot control.
Here in New Zealand, people like Mike King and John Kirwan have made the choice to speak
publicly about the mental health challenges that they face. Overseas, people like The Duke
and Duchess of Cambridge, have joined the discussion about mental health and, like John and
Mike, started a foundation to support people struggling with mental health challenges.
John Kirwan started the John Kirwan Foundation in 2018. Mike King founded The Key to Life
Foundation, the I Am Hope and the Gumboot Friday campaigns while the Duke and Duchess of
Cambridge started the Heads Together foundation in 2017. In each case, these foundations
serve an important role in the community.
What To Do:For this activity, we would like you to imagine that John Kirwan, Mike King and/or
the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge called you up and asked you to design a new poster for
their organisation. You could use Google Draw to help design your poster.
On your blog, post a final copy of your poster and include a description of the poster. What is on
the poster? Why did you include the pictures or words that you did? The more that you can tell
us about your design, the better!


  1. Kia ora Kamaea,

    Thanks for sharing about John Kirwan. It sounds like he is someone that inspires you! Can you tell us about why you chose him to represent mental health, and why you chose the facts you did? We'd love to hear :)

    Nga mihi

  2. Mental wellbeing is more than the absence of mental illness and it is more than feeling happy. Someone with positive mental health and high wellbeing is feeling good, functioning well, has satisfaction with life, is developing as a person, and has strong relationships...make sure you have a good mental health this year Kamaea.

  3. Hello Kamaea,

    Ooo what interesting facts about John Kirwan! Wonderfully done poster! Kudos to you! What is his charity about?

    Kind regards,
