
Friday, December 28, 2018

Summer learning Journey

Day 5 activity 2

The black drain


(polluted rivers)

1. Kaipatiki, Tukituki

( The location of the rivers)
2. Auckland,  Hawkes Bay

(What is being done to clean up the rivers)

3.  Put filters on stromwater drains and plant fence land around waterways.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kamaea!

    Thank you for sharing what you found about polluted rivers in New Zealand!
    It is a real shame that our rivers are not being taken care of the way they should be, I believe we shouldn't have any polluted rivers due to human activity - I am really happy to hear that people are taking action though!

    I used to like riding my bike down to the local river with my brother and dog in the summertime - we would spend the whole afternoon swimming and getting into mischief!
    Do you spend lots of time at your local river swimming during the summer?

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
