
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Summer learning Journey

Day 5 activity 2

Living on edge

Dear family and friends Tundra is extremely cold. Animals have a lot more animals during the Summer than Winter. and also the plants in Tundra include grasses, shrubs, and lichens. They grow in groups and stay low to the ground to stay protected from the icy winds. They tend to have shallow roots and flower quickly during the short summer months in Tundra. There is no trees anywhere the reason is that trees can't grow because of the permafrost. In Tundra has long nights in the Winter and long days in Summer. You can also play with the snow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kamaea!

    My name is Ellee I am another commentor on the Summer Learning Journey team!
    I hope you have had an awesome school holidays? :)

    I like how detailed you were in describing the cold weather and environment!
    I don't know how I would survive being in a tundra... I am a big baby when it comes to the cold and I don't know if I own enough layers to be somewhere that cold :)
    Do you like the cold weather or prefer the summer?

    Sounds like you saw some amazing nature and wildlife while you were there - It was super interesting to see what you saw and learnt!

    Great job Kamaea!

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
